Media Manager

The Media Manager is where you have access to all of the media and files available to you within your current Pagedip.

Filtering and Sorting

We have provided powerful filtering and sorting tools to help you find and organize your media. As a Pagedip grows in content, the media list can become very long and contain many asset types. Filters, sorting and tags make for an efficient and easy workflow.

Utilizing a standardized naming convention and tag system when creating media will benefit you in the future as you are working with your collection of media.


A simple text search of all media and files will help you quickly find what you're looking for. The search looks at the title, tags, template and all string based data related to the media.

Filter Drop Downs

There are three drop downs to help you quickly find your content:

  • Source - filter by the Media Source Pagedip

  • Template - filter by the media template

  • Tag - filter by tags


Tags are a powerful tool for organizing your media and files. They allow you to group related media together and easily find them in the future. Tags are added in the settings sidebar of an edit media tab.


The sort drop down allows you to sort alphabetically or by last updated date. It defaults to last updated so that your most recent items are displayed at the top of the list.